Captain Joe Cassaro, also known by his friends and around town as Joe Snook, has been sight fishing starting in Matlacha pass, Pine Island Sound and Charlotte Harbor and the Everglades for over 30 years fishing for tarpon, snook, redfish, man eating sharks and all other fish that lurk in these waters. It has always been a childhood dream to become an inshore shallow water fishing captain. After 8 years of guiding full time, fishing still holds the energy and excitement he had guiding his first day. Fishing is his passion and guiding is his life, not a hobby or extra income, it is solely how he makes his living and has been running a growing successful guiding business since 2010. Every trip is to hunt down and catch as many and as big of fish he can put his clients on. The goal is to make the best and most memorable trip that his Anglers can have. This is a professional and legitimate run business- Capt. Joe keeps current on all of his licenses, insurance and safety equipment required by the law and the United States Coast Guard.
You will be fishing in the REAL 10,000 Islands and Florida Everglades of SW Florida. A truly unique fishing experience in the always calm waters, in the back Bays, Rivers and Grass Flats. Come and take a trip deep in the heart or remote and fish filled waters in the largest Mangrove Forest in the world Home to Manatees and Dolphins playing about in all the gorgeous remote Island shell filled Beaches. You’ll be fishing on a clean, safe fishing Bay boat (22 ft 2017 deep V bay boat with a 175hp motor, smooth ride and plenty of deck to fish from). Whether you are looking to take the family fishing or coming out to fish like the pros. Southwest Florida boasts over 20 fun fighting saltwater species to catch. Come out and have fun, fish for a fresh dinner or come down to hunt for that trophy fish of a lifetime. I supply top of the line fishing equipment, bait, fuel, cooler with ice and will clean your fish for you.